There are so many awesome events going on this summer around the United States... well, okay, mostly around the South ... celebrating the sesquicentennial of the Civil War. My father lives in Arkansas, and emailed me this list of events sanctioned by The Arkansas Civil War Sesquicentennial Commission for the month of June. It sounds like Civil War buffs will be in hog heaven this summer! Please see for details about these events and more information
* 11th Annual Natural State Chautauqua, a living history and teacher in-service program at the Arkansas Museum of Natural Resources in Smackover June 2 and 3.
* 22nd Annual North Arkansas Ancestor Fair, a genealogical workshop, Civil War lecture series and genealogy swap meet in Marshall June 3 and 4.
* Southern Memorial Day, a commemoration of the Confederate dead at the Fayetteville Confederate Cemetery June 4.
* Civil War Event, a day-long program about the lives of soldiers and the battles and activities of the Civil War in southeast Arkansas at Lake Chicot State Park on June 4.
* African-American Legislators, 1868-1893, a day-long June 11 seminar, sponsored by the Black History Commission of Arkansas and the Arkansas History Commission, on Arkansas’s Reconstruction-era black legislators, including a session on why African Americans commemorate the Civil War.
* Confederate History Weekend and Cannon-Firing Demonstration, occurring all day June 11 at Prairie Grove Battlefield State Park.
* DAH Teacher Professional Development: “The Civil War in Arkansas,” a series of summer professional development workshops presented by the Department of Arkansas Heritage at Mosaic Templars Cultural Center, Little Rock, June 14; Northwest Co-op, Farmington, June 16; Old State Museum, Little Rock, June 24; Southeast Co-op, Monticello, June 30.
* Grand Opening for Hindman Hall, unveiling the new exhibits in the revamped visitor center at Prairie Grove Battlefield State Park June 18.
* Teacher Workshop: “The Sesquicentennial of the Civil War in Arkansas,” an Arkansas State University Heritage Sites Summer Teacher Workshop at Lakeport Plantation in Chicot County June 22.
* Summer Theatre Camp, a two-week, Civil War-themed theater camp sponsored by the Arts and Science Center for Southeast Arkansas June 13-24.
* Celebrate Juneteenth Performance, a June 25 performance by participants in the theater camp sponsored by the Arts and Science Center for Southeast Arkansas in Pine Bluff.