After breakfast, I wandered the exhibit hall just a bit, and talked with Louise St Denis of the National Institute for Genealogical Studies a bit, about the classes that she offers through her certificate program.
And speaking of FamilySearch (again), yesterday a fellow mentioned that they are working on an INDEXING APP for mobile devices! Imagine how cool -- waiting in line, you can index a couple of names and get one step closer to having all those 2.5 million rolls of microfilms indexed and accessible. Sounded like a great idea to me at least...
Anyway, after wandering the exhibit hall just a bit, I headed to the the Blogger's media center, where I ran through my afternoon class's powerpoint one last time and saved it off to my new flash drive. How convenient was that?
At 11:30, I'd been asked to meet with some fine folks from They are sincerely interested in the opinions of users, and I really felt my comments were noted and appreciated. One of these gentlemen, Craig H. Miller, Senior Vice President of Family Search, gave me a little peek at one of the products they are thinking about developing. It would be a search tool, where you enter the name you are searching, then hover your cursor over an area on the map rather than choosing a specific state, or county. Imagine the possibilities this means - rather than having to search specifically through every adjoining county to find where that errant ancestor ran off to get married, this "hover" feature will look for any record that includes your search term name, within a given distance of your cursor, irrespective of county or any other type of boundaries. I thought it was a really cool feature and I certainly hope they pursue it.
Shortly thereafter I was interviewed by blogger, Joan Miller who authors the Luxegen Genealogy Blog ( It was "interview Tami" day, I guess, considering later in the afternoon I was also interviewed by Drew Smith, author of Social Networking for Genealogists, and half of the 'Genealogy Guys' podcast. Drew is also a part of our group of genealogists in Second Life, and I think I've convinced him to speak to our SL chapter APG group in the near future.
My presentation was very well received, and among the folks who came up to ask questions afterwards was a small group of women who apologized profusely that they hadn't been able to make my class yesterday on Cool Tools, because (and they seriously sounded annoyed) they'd had to attend a funeral instead. Gosh. I felt honored in a weird sort of way! So I invited them back to one of the unconferencing areas later in the afternoon. RootsTech has set up all these awesome areas for people to get together and share information - like the one we met at, with a few sofas set up together, and a laptop I could pop my flash drive into, projecting my presentation on a large TV screen. I had my interview with Drew Smith coming up, but we raced thru the Powerpoint, covering the highlights. It was really fun. I love the opportunity to share great internet tools and websites with folks any time that it works out to do so!
The HIGHLIGHT of the day, though, was being able to hold our SL chapter APG meeting in the computer lab at the Family History Library. DearMYRTLE was a lifesaver, as she helped with the technical end while I worked at getting the meeting in order. We had a bit of technical difficulties at the start, but with the help of the incredible staff there at the FHL, we were able to project a laptop screen of Second Life to a live audience, and have the sound on speakers. Craig Scott, CG, owner of Heritage Books and military records expert, spoke to our group as his avatar, Krag Marriner, on Civil War research. It was a wonderful presentation, packed with great information. Not only did folks learn about how to find information on their military ancestors, they got to see how we operate in Second Life, that we learn AND have fun too.
I've got a few things up my sleeve for tomorrow, but nothing I have to set my alarm clock for, fortunately. I'm hoping to get to at least one class tomorrow, but if not, I'll get some more vendor information at least - there are some really cool products out there in that vendor hall, that's for sure!